tratamiento residuos sanitarios

Dispose of Sanitary Products in the Correct Manner

The environmentally friendly disposal of sanitary waste, including menstrual products, continues to be a challenge. Its disposal has always been a difficult task that requires attention. More than 800 million women in the world are menstruating at any given time. Many of them use disposable sanitary products such as pads, which can take more than 800 years to decompose. A lot of garbage gets collected every year, but it doesn’t naturally decompose as fast. There is a need to avoid this problem by attracting people’s attention towards tratamiento residuos sanitarios.

An unhygienic sanitary napkin can be smelly and spread infection on an individual level. Wet sanitary conditions also provide an ideal environment for germs to thrive. Sanitary disposal has numerous advantages. Let us look at how to dispose of personal hygiene products in this article.

tratamiento residuos sanitarios

●       Picking a separate bin

Small-scale incineration and composting are simple tratamiento residuos sanitarios methods. Small-scale burning has grown in popularity in recent years. But you may have separate bins for dry and wet waste at home.

Do not dispose of dirty sanitary napkins in a household trash can. Keep a separate small dry dustbin in which to store the napkin for this purpose. The first step in the safe disposal of sanitary napkins is to keep them in a separate bin.


●       Cover the napkin completely

It is critical to cover the menstrual pad properly after use. Fold the napkin correctly and wrap it in the paper. You can also wrap it in the pad’s plastic or paper cover. It will ensure that unsightly pads are adequately concealed. It also repels odors, germs, and flies.

●       Close the bin’s lid

Check that the bin you’re using to dispose of sanitary napkins has a lid. When you’re done with a used pad, close the lid. After that, the risk of infection spread from the bin will be handy. It will keep the odor and insect infestation at bay. Do not leave the napkin in the bin for an extended period of time. Keep it dry and empty it every two days.


Globally, more than two billion tonnes of solid waste are produced each year, with this estimate expected to rise to 3.40 billion tonnes by 2050. Disposing of sanitary facilities has become a problem because it can spread infection by lying around. As a result, there is a risk of pollution and the spread of various diseases. It is easy to deal with some care and the right ways.

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