how to play minesweeper

How to Be a Successful Puzzle Player

If you are interested in becoming a successful puzzle player, it can be tough to start, especially if you have never played a game like Bejeweled before. There are so many different types of puzzles that there is bound to be one that you will enjoy the most. Here are some tips when it comes down to being a successful puzzle player:


• Make sure you spend some time practicing with the puzzles before attempting to play them in an actual game. If you want to get better at a specific type of puzzle, you will need to practice with the puzzles for at least an hour or two at least once every day for your brain and hands to get used to playing the game. If not, you will likely end up getting frustrated and wasting hours upon hours of your time playing this kind of game without any real result towards becoming better at it. Here is how to play minesweeper easily.  


• Take breaks after every few levels you complete when playing complex stories or games where there is no possible way for someone like yourself or anyone else who is also playing the game online with someone else to win. The reason why this is important is that if you don’t take breaks, then your brain will start running on autopilot after only a few levels and not focus on anything else but what it needs to do next for it still be able to move forward through these levels while still trying its best to complete these levels. This is why taking breaks is important because, during these breaks, your brain can focus on something else that is not the game itself while letting your hands and eyes relax from the strain the game puts on them. 


• Try to make sure that you can play a game of it at least for at least an hour every day. Although it may be difficult, if you do this, you will see a significant progress towards becoming better at games like this than if you keep playing for only five or ten minutes a day.

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