Just buying a handbag doesn’t hurt anyone. In fact, counterfeiting occurs through intellectual property theft, which not only violates the rights of intellectual property owners, but can also be created through slave labor or external government oversight.
While a counterfeit handbag won’t harm you, the practices necessary to get it could harm others. And that’s not even the most serious counterfeiting problem. Counterfeit goods product authentication technology also harm the end user in the case of counterfeit medicines or counterfeit electronic devices that cause fires. Counterfeiting hurts many people, sometimes even physically.
Counterfeiting is not the only crime that occurs when intellectual property is stolen and turned into an illegal product. Counterfeit goods are not subject to the rules and regulations, so products may contain contaminants such as lead, do not have a proper fire rating, or even cause injury or death, depending on the product. Cosmetics, skin care products, medicines, and nutritional supplements are often counterfeit. Wrong products can poison the user.
In addition to security concerns, the individuals and organizations that manufacture counterfeit products could use them as a link in the chain of a much larger criminal organization. Counterfeits could be sold to raise money to fund other illegal businesses. The goods could be used with child labor or slave labor as they are manufactured outside of government control. Websites selling counterfeit goods can be used to obtain personal information and credit card numbers that can be sold on the internet for additional profits.