Just buying a handbag doesn’t hurt anyone. In fact, counterfeiting occurs through intellectual property theft, which not only violates the rights of intellectual property owners, but can also be created through slave labor or external government oversight.

While a counterfeit handbag won’t harm you, the practices necessary to get it could harm others. And that’s not even the most serious counterfeiting problem. Counterfeit goods product authentication technology also harm the end user in the case of counterfeit medicines or counterfeit electronic devices that cause fires. Counterfeiting hurts many people, sometimes even physically.

Counterfeiting is not the only crime that occurs when intellectual property is stolen and turned into an illegal product. Counterfeit goods are not subject to the rules and regulations, so products may contain contaminants such as lead, do not have a proper fire rating, or even cause injury or death, depending on the product. Cosmetics, skin care products, medicines, and nutritional supplements are often counterfeit. Wrong products can poison the user.

In addition to security concerns, the individuals and organizations that manufacture counterfeit products could use them as a link in the chain of a much larger criminal organization. Counterfeits could be sold to raise money to fund other illegal businesses. The goods could be used with child labor or slave labor as they are manufactured outside of government control. Websites selling counterfeit goods can be used to obtain personal information and credit card numbers that can be sold on the internet for additional profits.


Management consulting firm IGPI is not “just another” management consulting firm. As part of its commitment to delivering high-quality business advising  and business restructuring services to customers, IGPI has made more than 30 of its investments across Asia (some of which were worth several million dollars apiece!)

The professional ability has given us a great deal of expertise in operating financially troubled or under-performing companies in Singapore and the Asia Pacific region. Because they are familiar with the needs of all stakeholders – creditors, lenders, investors, and management teams – when a business is experiencing financial difficulties, lenders and creditor companies frequently retain us to advise them on how to turn the company around when a business is experiencing financial difficulties.

This provides IGPI with a distinct advantage in gaining firsthand entrepreneurial knowledge of effectively directing companies and overcoming obstacles along the way to success. IGPI employs its real-world expertise and views to offer practical suggestions to the C-suite and other senior executives.

What distinguishes us as a competitive advantage is that the experts are operations managers with”hands-on” expertise in the field. Business strategy is something they offer on both the financial and operational sides of a company. The operational expertise contributes to the achievement of better results for all stakeholders.

Increasing the effectiveness of one’s work

In under-performing businesses, operational problems are the second most common source of bottlenecks to be encountered. The customers’ management teams can rely on IGPI to assign the most qualified consultants and performance engineers to collaborate closely with them to develop and implement a fast and well-designed strategy for turning around their businesses.


As one of Singapore’s leading consulting companies, Industrial Growth Platform Inc. (IGPI) was founded in 2007 by former Japan’s Industrial Revitalization Corporation, a USD 100 billion sovereign wealth fund that focuses on turn-around projects in the country. Strategic planning, market entrance studies into Southeast Asia, and mergers and acquisitions advice services are all provided by IGPI’s Singapore-based management consulting company founded in 2013.

If you are dealing with international companies or countries then you must have to send the product to them. For this, you must have to use the sea freight forwarder singapore services so that your product will reach safely to the destination. We recommend you to use HPL as it provides the best sea freight services.

These are few features of the sea freight forwarder singapore, HPL with the ship program:

  • The HPL will pick the products from your suppliers directly with the product verification and standard documentation as well.
  • The best thing about HPL is that it consolidates your product at a suitable port before arranging them to the final port. It is followed with all the deals as it does not matter wherever you want to deliver or pick in the world.
  • The HPL will use its vessels and containers for the voyage preparation. They will handle the full process of transportation of your product to the final port of call.
  • The HPL will complete the full supply chain, it will handle all the clearance procedures and the customs documentation before the end of the delivery to the final destination.
  • The amazing feature of HPL is that you can track all the goods and the progress of the delivery as well.

After getting all the above points you must have to visit the site for enjoying the best ship program. You don’t have to pay a huge amount for this, all the services are provided in a very decent budget.

Corporate event management Singapore involves managing numerous corporate events that can be a distinctive media event, an internal occasion or event open toward the public for example a fundraising festivity. They are typically managed by anexpert planner whose domain is corporate events. Askilled event planner has the knowledge to research plus plan a fruitful event from start to finish.

What are corporate events?

Some of the common patterns of corporate events are road show, launching a product, galas plus media event with business sponsorship. The events are accomplishedas said by their particular nature, keeping in mind the goal of the event, the viewers to be reached as well as the content of the message to be conveyed.

Planning for events

Launching a new customer product is a good sample of what a planner does to manage this kind of corporate event. Launching a product includescustomer conviction as an eventual goal. The client has to be convinced to purchase the product by using inventive ideas. A corporate event manager may set up a convention toward launch the product. This would include planning all pre-convention conferences, working with graphic artists, writers plus printers for all printed things, choosing a place for the convention, choosing food and entertainment, etc.


The basic necessity for managing a corporate event is a step-by-step methodical to see through numerousjobs from start to finish. There are several corporate event management Singapore companies presenting professional services. They will work with the firm contact one-on-one to make certain all of the requirements and wishes of the firm are met while putting together an event.

The people in this modernized world are fond of running different businesses based on their unique choice. You can make use of hr software vendor in singapore to sort out the issues of different aspects regarding employees. The companies assist the organizations to have a good payroll system with the addition of unique features. It is the responsibility of business executives to develop the best strategies which help improve performance at the right time. The experts are skilled enough to manage the entire process regarding payroll effectively.

They provide the business executives the option to use the service to automate the manual process that helps save valuable time. They maintain the entire records of employee’s rights from personal details to resignation, clearly using the systematic approach. The concept of payroll processing comes into the picture for accomplishing activities that range from the calculation of salary to wages distribution with accuracy. The companies also take care of training details that contain information about the type of training, cost, and certificates issued after completion. Use the options that help employees to track their attendance details more precisely without difficulties.

They offer you the facility to make use of hr software vendor in singapore for providing knowledge about compliance on time. Make your employees verify the options available for medical and insurance coverage offered for their ultimate benefit. The details of data protection assist the people to check the importance of infrastructure security perfectly. They prepare a detailed report for monitoring the individual contribution that measures the performance of each employee. It is reliable to use the proposed template to update the bonus and increment which are linked to salary.

If you want to increase your productivity, protect your employees as your company staff for long period, make your employees work enthusiastically without any stress, and also for more benefits organize for employee engagement and reward programs. While organizing for the engagement and reward programs constantly, your employee’s performance will improve as they will work with more involvement. Generally, the working employees will be engaged with the pressure about the deadlines, perfections, and more aspects related to their work. Even you are not forcing them to complete the works before the deadline also, they will feel stress about their responsibility and work delivery. Hence to reduce their stress level and to make them happy, you can arrange for the employee rewards program.

Instead of being a strict boss and making them afraid of you, make them feel pleased to be your company employee by means of the reward programs. By making them happy and pleased, you can enhance their involvement and performance easily and efficiently. The satisfaction level of the employee will represent your company’s profit level. Hence make your company staff’s satisfied with their job and motivate them for achieving greater success in their works. Everyone loves to be in their home, as it gives the desired comfort for them. Thus if you desired that your employees want to feel the comfort in their workplace without any stress or fear, then organize for the employee rewards program. The engagement programs will make your employees happy and energetic which will improve your company’s productivity immensely.