mini water bongs

Portable Bongs: The Best Way to Enjoy Your Herb

When you’re smoking with friends or on the go, it can be difficult to use your bongs and pipes as they were intended to be used. Thankfully, there are portable bongs that allow you to smoke your favorite herbs without lugging around full-sized pieces of glassware. Portable bongs are an easy way to guarantee you’ll have a quality smoking experience wherever you go. You’ll never have to settle for boring joints again. Look at these portable bongs and take your next hit on the go.

Make sure you get value for money

There are many options for portable bongs on the market, but not all of them are created equal. If you want a water pipe that is durable and won’t break easily, then you should invest in one from ROOR. ROOR’s water pipes are made with high-quality German-engineered glass and are backed by a lifetime warranty. For these reasons, they’re one of the most popular choices regarding portable bongs.

Things to consider before buying a portable bong

-Is it easy to clean? -Do you need a lighter? -Can you easily pack it in a backpack or purse? -What material is it made out of (plastic, metal)? -How big is it? You don’t want anything too bulky. The slimmer and smaller it is, the better. -Does it leak water everywhere when you drink from it? You will be drinking from this thing a lot so make sure that’s not happening. -The size and style should be determined by how much use you plan on giving this thing. If you’re traveling often, go for something small and durable.

Best types of Bongs

It’s not every day the comet you come across a portable bong. Most people have no idea what it is. But if you’re looking for a smoke-free way to get high, this might be the answer.

This is one of the easiest ways to make sure that all of your smoke makes it into the water and isn’t wasted in the air. You can make a gravity bong out of anything, but an empty two-liter bottle works great. You just need to fill up the bottom half with water before placing the bowl at the top. Then seal off the top so there’s only one opening left the mouthpiece and light up. As you pull on it, smoke will fill up the bottle and start coming out as soon as pressure builds up inside.

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