Bioavailability and Absorption Rates: Delta 8 & Delta 9 THC

Bioavailability and Absorption Rates: Delta 8 & Delta 9 THC

The properties of bioavailability and absorption rate are also important when it comes to how delta 8 vs delta 9  isomer THC interact with the body, affecting their onset time frames for effects its duration overall potency.

Delta 8 THC Bioavailability

Delta 8 THC is also associated with high bioavailability, which means that when it enters the body, a substantial amount of this compound reaches circulation and produces its effects. When Delta 8 THC is consumed orally it goes through the liver, this process called first-pass metabolism where a percentage of delta-9 thc undergoes oxidation and enzymatic degradation into 11-hydroxy-delta-thc, which can be more potent than even pure delta- since that allows faster passage up to blood-brain barrier in possibly higher quantities

Delta 8 THC Absorption Rates

The way that you consume delta 8 THC can have an effect on its onset of effects. When inhaled, especially through smoking or vaping of Delta 8 THC will be absorbed quickly due to its entrance directly into the bloodstream via the lungs. Consequently, one of the favoured ways in which users try to administer THC is by inhalation as this route provides for rapid onset (within minutes) and these effects may be sought after immediately or recreationally.

Delta 9 THC Bioavailability

Therefore delta 9 THC has also a high bioavailability meaning it can be absorbed into the blood stream, particularly through inhalation methods which means it goes directly to bloodstream after being inhaled from lungs. Delta 9 THC rapidly establishes peak plasma concentrations after smoked or vaped use and poisonings, leading to a rapid onset of intoxication. This is in contrast with the oral ingestion of Delta 9 THC, as it has a lower absorption rate when taken through edibles or oils and gets metabolised by the liver.

Both cannabinoids come on fast when inhaled and slow yet more lasting effects are felt orally. This explains why the bioavailability and rate of absorption analysis helps consumers select delta 8 vs delta 9 THC products for faster onset times with short to long duration of effects, depending on preferences in consumption methods.

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