Everything about best modern Japanese house design

Modern Japanese home design is what people are interested in because people like so many features and things about it. In today’s post, let’s understand some of the best Japanese house designs and the reputed creator of modern japanese house design that is AMOMA.

Some popular home designs

  1. The warm final residence

This is home by Takashi Akuno Associates. This home intentionally shuts out sunlight so that it becomes cool during the summer months. The living space of it offers very good safety and groundness.

It has external aluminum blinds, high-performance sliding wooden window frames, and heat insulating screens that enhance the home. This all helps in increasing the ability of insulation and airtightness.

  1. central courtyard

It is the core of Japanese home architecture. Its rectangular courtyard sits at an oblique angle that connects the surrounding rooms. When designing the rooms in it, the first thing is to determine the wind conditions in it. This courtyard allows so many winds to pass through it.

  1. Open space living room

The open living areas connect and surround the main courtyard and the wooden deck design to make the transition very natural and great. It shuts out the sunlight during the summer and allows it during the winter. The wind chimney helps in ventilation and controls indoor temperatures.

About Amoma

amoma Hiroo is a reputed name known for seven luxury private residences.  the residences made by amoma is stylish that looks very fantastic in all aspects of the requirement of the home.

if you are looking for Japanese home design then amoma is what you can look for to full fill your home needs.

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