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Differences between Traditional and Modern S&T Landscaping

Landscaping practices have evolved over the years, transitioning from traditional methods to modern approaches that align with contemporary design and environmental considerations. S&T Landscaping, a reputable landscaping company, reflects these changes in its services. In this overview, we explore the key differences between traditional and modern S&T Landscaping:

  1. Design Philosophy:

Traditional S&T Landscaping: In the past, traditional landscaping focused primarily on aesthetics and ornamental features. Symmetry, formal designs, and structured plantings were common elements, often resembling classic garden styles.

Modern S&T Landscaping: Modern landscaping embraces a more natural and sustainable design philosophy. Incorporating native plants, sustainable materials, and ecological considerations, modern S&T Landscaping seeks to create harmonious outdoor spaces that blend with the environment.

  1. Plant Selection:

Traditional S&T Landscaping: Traditional landscaping tended to prioritize exotic and non-native plant species for their visual appeal. Plants were often chosen for their colors and shapes without much regard for their ecological impact.

Modern S&T Landscaping: Modern landscaping emphasizes the use of native plants and species that are well-adapted to the local climate and ecosystem. This promotes biodiversity, reduces water consumption, and supports local wildlife.

III. Water Management:

Traditional S&T Landscaping: Traditional landscaping relied heavily on water-intensive irrigation systems, leading to inefficient water use and potential environmental issues.

Modern S&T Landscaping: Modern landscaping adopts water-efficient irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation and smart watering systems, to minimize water waste and conserve this precious resource.

  1. Hardscaping and Materials:

Traditional S&T Landscaping: Traditional landscaping often featured extensive hardscaping, including concrete pathways, formal stone structures, and non-porous materials.

Modern S&T Landscaping: Modern landscaping incorporates more sustainable and permeable materials, such as gravel, permeable pavers, and recycled materials, to promote water infiltration and reduce runoff.

  1. Sustainability Practices:

Traditional S&T Landscaping: Sustainability considerations were limited in traditional landscaping, with a primary focus on aesthetics and visual appeal.

Modern S&T Landscaping: Modern landscaping places a strong emphasis on sustainability practices, including water conservation, use of eco-friendly materials, and promotion of wildlife habitats.

  1. Maintenance Approach:

Traditional S&T Landscaping: Traditional landscapes often required high maintenance due to the use of high-maintenance plant species and intricate designs.

Modern S&T Landscaping: Modern landscaping embraces low-maintenance principles, with a focus on selecting resilient plant species and implementing sustainable maintenance practices.

VII. Client Involvement:

Traditional S&T Landscaping: In the past, clients had limited involvement in the design process, and landscaping decisions were primarily left to the landscapers.

Modern S&T Landscaping: Modern landscaping involves greater client collaboration, with landscapers actively seeking input and feedback from clients to tailor designs to their preferences and needs.


S&T Landscaping has evolved significantly over the years, transitioning from traditional aesthetics-focused practices to modern, sustainable, and ecologically conscious approaches. By embracing native plants, sustainable materials, water-efficient techniques, and low-maintenance principles, modern S&T Landscaping creates outdoor spaces that not only enhance visual appeal but also contribute positively to the environment and support local ecosystems.

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